The old fisherman and the sea

The old fisherman and the sea

Old fishing boat named the Virgo

The old fisherman never tires of his expeditions on the sea .

I have some very old photos of my husband, my father and some deckhands in the early days fishing the seas. I figured I would love to write a blog of the memories I have of these happy times. 

Drawn by an unending urge, the ocean call is too strong for the fisherman to deny.

It never leaves him or forsakes him.

He arises a great while before even the hint of a dawn sky. Alone and cold he heads for the cool dampness of the fishing boat. A smell of salty air greets him and his ear hears a familiar sound, waves jostling too and fro competitors in a never ending race for the shore.

Finally a cold sun hits the eastern skies. Distant floating buoys of pink and yellow are spotted near the horizon with the naked eye. We drift awhile closer and closer with the silent tide.
The seabirds follow from a distance, waiting for their breakfast to be brought to the oceans surface.

Nets are hoisted and lines and hooks are pulled by swarthy hands.

Fish, from deep in the ocean, 200 to 400 metres straight down, as the crow flies, whoops…as an octopus swims.
Fish are sorted, cut and boxed, the mornings work begins in earnest. The day is long and hard, no lunch break, no morning or afternoon tea, the tides, the winds and the fish cannot enjoy any idle time.

As the sun begins to turn towards the west a deep exhilaration touches the cool fisherman’s heart, money made to keep the kids at school and a few bob for the wife to spend at the local drapers store.
(No apology here for the choice of older style language!)

No one who has fished the great oceans of the world will ever find a reason to not return
Happy days to say the least,

As he ages, the salty sea dog must now only visit the waves in a recreational way. But it’s still a repeat of the long ago, a reminder, an echo, a yearning to touch the waters, and catch the blessings the great ocean offers.


Setting off fishing in the morning old photo

Setting off in the early morning

Setting off fishing in the early morning Kaikoura mountains

A pink float and a pink sky.

fisherman out at sea

Out at sea on winters day setting the nets. As you can see many of these old photos are quite blurry, but stiil able to be enjoyed

Making nets for fishing

Making nets for the fishing days ahead

Old engine and fish
Untangling knots a fisherman out at sea

A winters day and the long line floats to the surface

Bronzed fisherman in the summer

A summers day and the long line floats to the surface. 

Killer whale swims by

A killer whale swims by. 

Out at sea a fishing day

Seagulls trying to eat the catch of the day!!

Fishing boat and Kaikoura mountains

The old fishing boat with the Kaikoura mountain range in the background.

Looking back…

Even these old photos mean something.  Nothing or no one can stop the relentless, fleeting moments of time. Maybe a camera can? A photograph can hold on to a cherished memory and a bygone era, stopping time in its tracks for a second or two. Fisherman have a strong connection to the seas as I have witnessed from my family members. These old photographs certainly do it justice, and make history a blessed thing..



Photographing the golden, whispering wheat fields.

Photographing the golden, whispering wheat fields.

Line of trees in a wheat field and dark sky

Okay, okay so I’ve gone crazy and have made sooo many stops along the roadside this last month to photograph those awesome, golden fields!!

Photographing those golden, whispering wheat fields is a privilege and a joy. Each year opportunities arise for the photographer as the seasons come and go. The sun heads north to the cold, and the moon seems to take on a brighter, paler shade of gold.

My first experience photographing a wheat field many years ago was inspiring and a lesson in farm life and the Australian countryside.

The wind was blowing,  a wave of warm air flowing and touching the sheaves of wheat. Each wheat plant moved in unison and harmony with the ones beside it and around it, simply rolling, cascading, floating and sweeping across the sunburnt field. I was mesmerised and I felt like I was in heaven. Seriously… the swishing sound, the waves of the wind blowing across the field, the magical feeling, the breeze on my face, the sun just setting. The vastness of the field, the colour, and the sight like no other on any farmland I had ever visited. I reckon I had a tear or two or three. A moment of worship to the creator of heaven and earth!

Farmers are the artists of the earth, I am sure they too appreciate what they have done.

Actually one Novemeber whilst lingering over a field leaning on the fence taking photographs of a harvester working,  a man in this enormous machine stopped and yelled out his window “Do ya wanna ride?” I freaked out thinking “Oh my goodness in the middle of the Aussie countryside a man in a harvester is trying to wooo me?? I said the most silly thing!

“Umm I’ll go and ask my husband.”

He replied, “Yeah we’ve got two harvesters working today he can ride in the other one.”

And so we did…. had the ride of our life and learnt quite a bit from our conversations with the drivers.

Back to my point…. Do they enjoy what they do?

I commented “Oh this must be boring for you, you must be so used to this type of work?

To which he replied, “No, we love it, we talk to each other all day on the radios, we unload the wheat regularly onto the chaser, we chase foxes, snakes, rats and birds away, the harvester never stops, a tractor comes alongside to give us food…. and so and so on…AND we have quite regularly given friends, family and strange women with camera’s, rides on the harvester…never a dull moment really!!

An experience we never forget and seem to always talk about each year as we pass their fields.

Dark skies over a harvested wheat field
Sunset and a golden wheat field
Golden wheat field and faint dark tree in the background
Swirling golden wheat fields and a bird flying above
Swirling golden wheat in the wind

The two images above are my artsy efforts to show how my mind received and interpreted the wavy motion of the wheat as the winds and breezes swept over this field. ( Use the liquify tool in photoshop to make some swirls and twirls and bends.)

Lightening over the wheat field
Wheat fields over the hills and white clouds
Chinamans Hat Island
Tree and dark sky in a wheat field
Wheat field and orange sunset
Wheat field and an old house in background
Red wheat harvester
Harvester cutting wheat
Harvester in a wheat field harvesting the grain
The dust from a distant wheat harvester
Wheat field with harvester way in the distance
Golden barley field
Wheat and blue sky
Track lines in a golden wheat field
Chinamans Hat Island

As a photographer….

One of the best times to photograph a wheat field is usually as the sun sets, this gives the wheat or barley a very golden aura. I also find a very grey overcast day good too. Use a tripod and I usually set my camera at 100 or over, for my shutter speed, and between 5.6 and 11 for aperture.

Your favorite locations have the unique ability to change with the seasons, the time of day and the weather. How could a photographer ever get bored?? The variety of these golden farmers fields is endless. I found a few good tips in this article on how to adapt in your photography skills in each season. READ HERE

I have darkened the sky in a few of the above photos or changed the sky completely. Photoshop has a sky replacement tool. You can take a photograph of a sky you like, then import into photoshop and then add that sky to your landscape shot. It will be two of your own images combined into one. 

The sky replacement tool is a lot of fun and very simple to use. For a good and formative Utube video on how to use this photoshop tool READ HERE

Extra note I never wander into any farmers fields. Please stick to your side of the fence. They will thank you for that and maybe you will even be offered a ride as we were!!

From Massive Waves to Snake Bites: Lessons learned while out photographing.

From Massive Waves to Snake Bites: Lessons learned while out photographing.

Cliffs around Cape Spencer lighthouse

My experiences and close calls with some advice on staying safe.


I’ve discovered as a photographer I must stay safe and reasonably fit. I regularly clamber over rocks, walk up high hills and mountains, climb sandy dunes, wade through tall grasses, fossic through low trees and bushes, slush through piles of snow, scale fences and so on……

I’ve fallen over so many times I’ve lost count.

My back is quite scarred from trying to slip through barbed wire fences, naa just kidding, but many a good article of clothing has been ripped and never worn again.

I’ve been hit by a massive rogue wave.

Only once as I learnt my lesson well and truly, I lost some good camera gear and all food and drink were gone, and all towels and clothing, back packs and chairs were soaked and unusable for the rest of the day. The surf was pumping,  a huge swell was rolling in, however I noted that spectators and other photographers sat well away from the shoreline….not me,  I thought, I’ll get up close and personal for that one in a million brilliant surf shot!! Within moments a wave crashed on to the shore, the surge was extremely strong and totally unexpected. Hmm, that’s why all those others were well away from the surf break! Consequently I am extremely cautious around the ocean. I will never wonder too close to the shoreline when the surf is up and the waves and swell are big. Camera gear is very expensive and not readily replaced.

I’ve been lost.

Oooohh I must say perhaps this is the worst moment of my photographic career. The time was sunset, my location was a massive salt lake which was surrounded by quite a lot of bush land. So having happily snapped away till the sun sunk below the horizon, I then turned to head home. I must point out, I have the worst sense of direction known to human kind.
I realised quite quickly I was very lost and would head in a direction then back track and start again, this process was repeated until it got quite dark. I then began to panic and started rushing, finally I back tracked a last time to my initial starting point, I calmed myself down took a few landmarks, and tried to keep heading in a straight line. Eventually I came out near a road and saw my car in the dim light about half a kilometre down the road. What a relief. If I go out photographing at this time of day and to this type of location I now take a compass and a torch! And I will often leave little landmarks, you know piles of rocks and twig pointers, but never breadcrumbs like Hansel and Gretel.

I’ve been bitten by a deadly brown snake.

It was a dry bite, phew..(a dry bite means no venom is released as the snake gets a fright but it can apparently distinguish between prey and other obstacles, so somehow it knew my leg was not a mouse.) But I still spent a day in hospital. Side note here.. I was wearing sneakers and shorts and stepped into a pile of leaves to get that golden shot of a blade of grass in the morning sun. I only felt a faint sharp twinge in the back of my leg and upon examining the leg there were two clearly defined fang marks. I looked around and saw nothing so decided it cannot have possibly been a snake, so I walked home, checking my pulse every so often, just to make sure I was still alive. When I finally got home I remembered an awful story I had once read about a man who had been mowing his lawn, never felt a thing but died that night as he had been bitten by a brown snake. So I headed for the hospital where they monitor you for 12 hours. Another lesson learnt!

I’ve been completely blown over by the wind.

On the big storm day READ HERE.  I tried to climb down to a beach we regularly frequented, the car door practically flew off its hinges and I struggled to close it, then I began to try to get to the staircase which descended to the beach. I had to grip the wire on the side rails and when I let go it literally blew me over onto the rocks nearby. I kind of crawled back to the car and figured…well, we wont be getting many photographs today.

I’ve been soaked by the rain so many times.

Anticapating exactly when the rain will arrive is not one of my best insights. And my journey back to the car always takes a lot longer than I think.

I’ve fallen down a huge concealed hole.

Which happened to be a mutton bird nest. I stepped into the hole and disappeared up to my waist. I don’t have the foggiest notion why a tiny mutton bird would build such an enormous nest beneath the ground. My thigh was very badly scratched and quite painful I might add.

What a life hey?

There are not many times in my life that I can look down at my legs and not see scratches and scars!

Life as a dedicated landscaper photographer is not for the faint hearted!


My advice and tips for staying safe:


1. Carry a bit of first aid.

2. Take your phone and if there is no reception, which most times there isn’t, always tell someone where you are and what time you’ll be back.

3. Carry a compass.

4. Carry a torch if photographing at sunset.

5. If it is a long journey, of course, carry food and water.

6. Stay fit, I try to exercise every day to maintain strength and fitness for those steep hill climbs and traversing rocky terrain. Yes and sand dunes are quite huge and can take large amounts of energy and time to travel over.

7. Watch the sun and head home before it is too dark to see. This is one rule I stick to religiously.

8. Don’t take unnecessary risks, it is just not worth a photograph if your life is in danger. Around Yorke Peninsula there are many huge and dramatic cliffs, I always keep well back, as there are some rocky cliffs which at the upper most point are suspended at least a metre or so out into the air. A heavy human could easily cause this to break off and fall into the ocean.

9. Wear snake protectors if traversing any types of terrain in Australia.


Want some extra info:

Here is a great blog article  for those photographers that do a lot of travelling. READ HERE

Wave on Ethels Beach
Looking down steep cliff faces and ocean below

Above. Don’t look down!!

Cliffs around Cape Spencer very green sea water
Foam on the beach no sand left

Above. Foam and waves have washed a normally golden sandy beach completely away. This is a day not to take a walk along the beach.

A salt lake in Yorke Peninsula

Above. This is the vast salt lake that I was photographing on the day I got lost. You can see the colours as the sun sets, and in the distance you can see the lake is surrounded by bush. 

Rough terrain

Above. Much of South Australia’s outback is rough and rocky terrain.

Looking down from a steep hill

Above. Climbing a cliff that had an old track winding up the hill.

Don't stand too close to the cliff edge
Over hanging cliff face

Above. Never stand too close to the cliffs edge.

Walking over the sand hills
Dust storm on a sandy hill

Above. Never change a camera lens in a sand dune or on a windy day

Photographers travel many roads
New Zealand camping holiday

The life of a photographer often takes the road less travelled.

Despite all the setbacks and dangers I’ve encountered, my hope for you is that you continue to explore and push the boundaries of your craft.

As you develop a resilience, this will be what makes you a great photographer,

Safety tips on carrying essential gear are crucial, and they emphasize that being prepared is often the difference between a bad experience and a great story.

Through it all, you will  develop a deep respect for the natural world, that keeps calling you back!

How to handle negativity and criticism of your photography.

How to handle negativity and criticism of your photography.



So just how do you understand and deal with comments made about your photography, either to your face or on social media accounts you post on. The good the bad and the ugly….. The big question here is….Do you change your style to suit others? 

Here are a few of the comments I have had.

Why are you adding things to your photograph?
Have you changed the colour of that tree?
What is that object you’ve put into that image?
Have you touched that up?
Why have you done that to a perfectly good photograph?
That’s not real?
Have you added that house in?
Was that bird really there?

We can’t take away from the fact that most people believe that a photo should represent the facts exactly as they were seen by the naked eye. That’s after all what cameras were originally designed for. To record an event exactly, for a visual memory of what has gone before.

Along came editing.

Oh the joy of having some control over what the camera has captured. When I discovered editing it was so exhilarating I tried all sorts of colours and techniques

One particular day I was showing my images to some friends. One man looked at a particular photograph, (the surfing image below) and said, “Have you touched that up?” to which I replied, “Only a little.”
He said, “I don’t like that.” and handed my photograph back very quickly not looking at it a moment longer than he had too. He had a most disdainful look on his face.
I was deeply insulted, but found, as time went by, a similar reaction from a few other well meaning humans!

I found myself regularly trying to explain that I was a photographic artist and not a newspaper reporter.

Times have changed and now photography is more accepted as an art form.

However somehow their negative comments influenced my editing process. I would hear their words in my head and try to make my images what people wanted.

Let me tell you “That’s not a good habit.”

How I dealt with these comments:

1. I now edit exactly as I want and I try to understand that the  person firing the comments at me does not not know what I am doing or how I am doing it. (If it is a comment on social media, I delete it.)

2. I try to portray a feeling in my photographs. I am not offended any longer. If I have to …. I just simply say, “I’m an artist and it’s a wonderful privilege to be able to do with my images whatever I dream about.”

3. Discover who you are and what makes your heart sing and be proud of that. Hold your head up high, speak with authority on your subject and if you feel not to respond at all, simply smile and say nothing.

4. Do a little research and discover how to respond to well meaning humans.

5. The bible is full of wonderful quotes about speech and how to treat others. It also teaches us to rise to our full potential and not to allow others to destroy our journey with the abilities, gifts and talents we have. Understand that you are unique and your art and photos are part of who you are.

Matthew 25:14-30 This scripture speaks of our requirement before God to use our gifts and talents to promote goodness and peace on earth. if you use what is entrusted to you, more will be given. No good sitting and twiddling your thumbs, we were created for a life of adventure and productivity. I love that!!

Proverbs 15.1. A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 15.2. The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly, But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness. 




The above image is the photograph that I proudly showed to some friends when I first began my journey in the photography world.

Old house in the valleys
West Cape light house

The above two images are almost the same view but I have added an object in to the top image, namely the little white house. On the second image I have darkened the hills and added extra mist in the valleys. 

Foggy day
Trees on snowy hill

With both tree images I have lightened and darkened far beyond the original image. In the top tree image I have used Silver Efex and left  dark brown in the lower half of the image.

Motion blur surfer

Motion blur applied to this image of a surfer. Slower shutter speed and higher aperture.

White clouds
Tree in the snow

It is obvious that the tree above is fake, but I dont mind because I liked it that way. It’s about what you enjoy and like, not all art is real!  It was an actual snowy hill but I darkened it in a programme called Silver Efex.

A thought……. I wonder how AI will change art?

Pink sand dunes
vintage yacht

The yacht above had no sails up, so I copied some red sails and edited them in using photoshop. Then added a vintage preset.

Dust storm
Sunny summer days
White sail and grasses in foreground

All the images above have been altered for my enjoyment. It may seem quite obvious what the alterations are but that is how I like the photo to look. Ummm maybe not the line of umbrellas on the cliff edge. I am working on that image…

Can I reiterate, please create photographic art how you want, put aside negative thoughts and fill your mind with what it is you see with your heart. Your mind is a powerful tool and you have control of it, not someone else.

Photographing the New Zealand mountains

Photographing the New Zealand mountains

Snowy mountains near Lake heron New Zealand

Blizzards, below zero temperatures, snow, slippery surfaces, running nose, frost bitten fingers, hiking up steep mountains, aching legs…. honestly what more could a person want on a holiday??


This is exactly the reasons we take a holiday in the winter, not only do we encounter all the above phenomena, but also no crowds, completely silent landscapes, spectacular scenery, unimaginable clear starry skies, a winter wonderland and the possibility of photographing a multitude of white pristine mountains.

We live in Australia near the beach and experience summer conditions almost all year round. So I chose to have a winter holiday every so often…  Also having spent my childhood in New Zealand, I have a nostaligic longing for days of old.

The Southern Alps in the South Island of New Zealand are unbelievably beautiful.

This last winter we hired a cottage next to Lake Clearwater which was surrounded by snow and ice. A wood fire in the cottage was lit each day to enable us to warm up after our outdoor expeditions. A tiny possum climbed the outdoor stairs each night and tapped with his nose on the window. Frightened the life out of me the first night, but we soon got used to him, But we did not get used to tripping over his evening droppings which he proudly left at the doorstep each night!

Day one and two were spent sight seeing and photographing the pink sunsets in the area.

On day three we climbed a 2 kilometere walk up to the snow line of Mt Potts, located along Hakatere Potts road. The fog meant we were not able to see the top of the mountain. However I took photographs of our climb as we ascended, (Mt Potts and all the surrounding mountains.) Many shots are totally white but we found it completely exhilerating and I figured some shapes must come out in my photographs. Skiers call days like this a “A White Out.”

A helicopter kept flying over and  we realised the mountain peaks would be above the fog and probably great snow skiing would be the plan for those sporty tourists. It was actually on our descent that the fog cleared a bit and I got the peaks of the mountains through the cloudy mass.

If you are ever in this area Mt Potts Lodge is a great place to stay or take a leisurely coffee after your walk. AND if you do like a bit of coldness and silence, why not consider a winter holiday in some remote cool country.

It is truly an experience you wont forget.

mountains and snow
Chinamans Hat Island

Above, the twin peaks of the mountain in the Hakatere Conservation Park. To the left of the two peaks is where we began our climb.

Mountains and fog

Above, the road to Mt Potts.

Brown hills and mountains in the fog
Walking along the mountain track

Above, looking out from the track up the mountain

Walking along mountain track
Cold mountain stream

Looking down at a fast moving mountain stream

In rough weather.

Helicopter flying overhead taking skiers to the top of Mt Potts.

Mountain and fog
Chinamans Hat Island in a storm
Mountain and foggy day

Above, White, white and more white. Clean, dreamy and brilliant.

Chinamans Hat Island in a storm

Above, one of the basins of Mt Potts, not sure where the skiers where, but those slopes looked good for some powder skiing.

Chinamans Hat Island with a radiant sunset

Lake Clearwater in the early morning. Serene and so quiet.

Mt Potts New Zealand
Trees and snow
blue sky and snow on the mountains
Chinamans Hat Island

Above image. It was almost dark as we were driving off and the mountains certainly throw up many majestical and amazing sights. Things change rapidly as the wind comes and goes and blows the clouds into shapes and patterns. As we looked back the bright contrasting blue against the sweep of white was so beautiful.

View from our cottage snow and pine tree

View out the window of where we were staying.

A framed house in the mountains

A framed cottage high in the snowy hills

Reflections Lake Clearwater
Pink snowy mountain, New Zealand
Mt D Archaic. Hakatere Conservation Park