Why we built a beach house by the sea, part 2.
Progress has been slow over the winter. Heaps of rain so the water tanks are over flowing. However we have been able to work on the inside as most of the outside is finished.
I have made a tiny garden of local plants. All the same type of grasses for a unified, coherent kind of effect. The ground is very sandy and it is certainly best to choose local plants as not much grows in this area.
We still have plenty to do, but at least we can sleep in the beach house and not in a caravan any longer.
I chose wood for the walls due to its warm feel and the natural vibe it adds to any home.
I’ve made a path out the front from some old left over slate and put white rocks along the front. These limestone rocks are everywhere here. I don’t think I’ve seen one beach shack without these limestone rocks.
It is such a lovely place so peaceful and relaxing. Nature at its finest.

Growth of plants is slow and keeping bugs away is a constant chore. We are trying to be as natural as possible but some of the insects are so resistent I have resorted to getting the spray can out and try slaughtering them this way. White vinegar was just not working. Soon we will put in more furniture and some homely touches.
Living here is very peaceful as most of the holiday homes are vacant year round. They soon fill up around Christmas and Easter, dogs, kids, bikes, music, but hey, when it’s only for around 10 days I will put up with anything!