Canola fields are here again, get your camera out!!

The canola fields of South Australia are quite spectacular.
Yellow being the brightest visible colour in the spectrum makes these fields an eye catching sight.
The colour yellow is uplifting and joyous, but is also calming and relaxing. I find these farmers fields will certainly add an unexpected lift to your day. Why not take a trip into the country in the months of August or early September to view these fields.
My images were taken in the Barossa Valley, Strathalbyn, on the Yorke Peninsula and Curramulka all in South Australia.
In some of my images I have changed the sky using photoshops sky replacement tool. Such a lovely effect when the heavens really stand out.
Canola fields are plentiful in the farmlands of South Australia, relatively easy to find, actually thats a joke you can’t miss them, they are sooo bright!!!
This is not a long blog as I feel these bold and vigorous images speak for themselves.